Sunday, September 5, 2010

KILL ME - Behind The Idea

Ageism, sexism and racism are concepts and realities which consistently enter the Hollywood movie industry. Although these topics have been addressed ad nauseum in texts and through social forums, the Hollywood machine has yet to produce content which adequately breaks the common stereotypes regarding age, gender and race.

KILL ME seeks to right these injustices. This is not a boring documentary with talking heads discussing the merits of "The Feminine Mystique" or  Ralph Ellison's "Invisible Man." This is a grab-hold-of-your-seat, enjoy-the-ride, break-the-rules film starring an 85 year old grandmother as the main character.

KILL ME is being produced by Vinay Chand and written/directed by Damon Silvester and tells the story of a grandmother who desperately wants to die, but cannot find anyone to assist her. Mature in theme and fun in execution, this film strives to show that film has no age, race or gender when it comes to entertaining storytelling.